Page 19 - 100_I Marrıed a Dıck Doctor_English_New_OK3
P. 19


            going to a urologist initially was just too embarrassing. As he
            neared the age of 65, he started having tremendous difficulty
            peeing, like every other guy his age.
               During Mike’s initial visit to find out why it was so hard to
            pee, the doctor wanted to take the opportunity to check his
            PSA. This quick blood test revealed that Mike’s PSA was 3 and
            would be considered normal. The range for a normal PSA is 0
            to 4. As the appointment continued, Mike was educated by the
            doctor on the importance of a digital rectal exam and that it
            was the standard of care for every man his age. Besides that, the
            doctor was not going to let Mike leave without understanding
            the risks of not doing it.
               I am sure you can guess the rest of the story from here. The
            digital rectal exam revealed a rock hard prostate, which could
            have explained Mike’s difficulty in peeing. The doctor explained
            the importance of proceeding with a scheduled prostate biopsy
            to find out why his prostate was so hard. Sometimes a hard
            prostate is just that and no further care is needed. Sometimes a
            rock-hard prostate can be cancer.
               When the pathology came back from the lab about a week
            later, the results showed that Mike indeed had prostate cancer.
            The Trickster strikes again. According to the Dick Doctor, this
            can happen as often as 20% of the time in patients.
               The size of the prostate, however, is no indication for cancer.
            The normal size for a prostate is about 25 grams. There are
            patients who can have a prostate as large as 300 grams with no
            symptoms whatsoever and still be healthy. Go ahead and do the
            math on that one. That’s a lot of walnuts in there. Obviously,

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