Page 15 - 100_I Marrıed a Dıck Doctor_English_New_OK3
P. 15
This walnut-sized piece of anatomy that exists in the
male body is truly a trickster. I would equate it to that of the
unpredictable woman. One minute, she is the thing that confirms
you still have your manhood, and the next minute, she has
betrayed you and walked off with half your stuff. You didn’t
even see it coming. It comes at you like a right hook from the
heavyweight champion of the world.
Lower urinary tract symptoms can be one of the very last
indicators of prostate cancer and when most men will finally
make that appointment. The most common way to diagnose
prostate cancer is an isolated elevation of the Prostate-Specific
Antigen or PSA. A simple blood test is still a very important
part of your urological exam even though it cannot be relied
upon solely to determine if you have any issues. Sorry to break
the news to all you men out there. While the simple blood test
is amazing, it must also be accompanied by the famous digital
rectal exam. According to the Dick Doctor, a digital rectal exam
is a strong confirmation or denial in most cases of prostate
cancer when combined with the PSA. Don’t get your hopes up
too high just yet. Remember, we are dealing with a trickster. This
walnut-sized trickster can go undetected with a normal PSA and
a digital rectal exam! That’s because PSA is a protein produced
by both normal and malignant cells of the prostate gland.
This is where we all say, “Are you kidding me?!”