Page 20 - 100_I Marrıed a Dıck Doctor_English_New_OK3
P. 20
being the wife of the Dick Doctor, I had to ask how on earth
does that big thing fit in there? The Dick Doctor assured me
that it fits just fine in that particular patient. And evidently,
you can have your prostate measured for size if your urologist
does an ultrasound.
So, here is the real reason the Trickster is such a problem. It
lives up to the nickname I have given it. The prostate can be a
normal size and full of cancer with horrible symptoms. Or, you
can have a little prostate with no cancer and still have horrible
symptoms. Or you can have a prostate that is 300 grams with no
symptoms and not have prostate cancer. As usual, size does not
matter as in this case. The Trickster can come in all shapes and
sizes and either be a good guy or a bad guy with no symptoms
or indicators of its status.
You should be reaching for the number of your local board-
certified urologist at this point in the book.
When it comes to prostate cancer, there are no two patients
alike. There are several ways to treat prostate cancer, which is
a discussion to have with your urologist. With treatments like
radiation, both external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy
available, surgery may be avoided. If surgery is necessary, there
are two ways to remove the prostate, which is either open or
robotic surgery. For this very reason, you must be your own
best detective and use every tool at your disposal to make sure
you stay healthy. Don’t wait for prostate cancer to metastasize
or spread throughout the body. You have choices to battle this
disease if you act early. Depending on the stage of the cancer,
your PSA, and how much prostate cancer there is, combined