Page 11 - 100_I Marrıed a Dıck Doctor_English_New_OK3
P. 11
23. Millennials included – generation Y am I peeing all the time?
Stepping beyond yesterday is an opportunity toward wisdom ....155
24. Vasectomies and the oops baby
Knowing your limits takes strength.........................................161
25. Kidney stones do not discriminate
Only the courageous ask for help ............................................169
26. The Dick Doctor becomes the patient
Reality is necessary at times ....................................................177
27. Globe trotting bladder souvenirs
Intimate truths are a blessing for others .................................185
28. Sex with the Dick Doctor
To love is the soul’s deepest desire............................................191
Final thoughts
Open doors allow your soul to soar ........................................193
Acknowledgments ...........................................................................195
List of resources...............................................................................197