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If it’s younger, social media and digital marketing would of course    There’s a lot more information you can get with this but this is just
         be your best bet.                                                      a start to see age, gender, etc.

         But lets say you have a country band coming in, maybe doing an                   Step 4: Take Action
         e-blast, banner ads, and targeting people on Facebook who LIKE
         country music would be your best bet.
                                                                                Now that you’ve got all 3 steps in place, now it’s time for the final
         I have yet to make any money from radio. Not saying it won’t work      one. Take action. Get the word out there using the smartest traffic
         for others but it’s almost impossible to track your marketing dollars   sources that’s going to allow you to hit your target market. Don’t
         telling someone about an event on the air unless you try to drive      forget, your goal isn’t to go after the masses.
         them to a specific web page.
                                                                                It’s to go after ONLY the people who are likely and willing to
         Which then you gotta think, as busy as people are tweeting and         come in. And that ALWAYS starts with your customer list. From
         commenting on Facebook while driving their car, listening to the       there you go after “cold” traffic, people who are not frequent
         radio, smoking a cigarette….. chances are they are not going to        customers.
         remember to go to that website.

         Quick Tip:                                                                                        INTERVIEW BY: Nick Fosberg

         Not exactly sure on the demographics of the people who LIKE
         doing business with you? Jump into your Facebook insights and                                     President Bar & Restaurant
         see for yourself. Here you’ll see one of my bars demographics.                                    Success

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