Page 8 - The Medical Interprete
P. 8


                      Defining medical (healthcare) interpreter
                                                                                 Communicative autonomy
                                                                               Medical (healthcare) interpreter
                  A medical interpreter is a community interpreter who interprets
                  in healthcare settings. Here is a definition of “medical      A bilingual or multilingual
                                                                                individual who is professionally
                  interpreter” created by the authors for this textbook:        qualified to interpret in healthcare

                                                              Categories of interpreters

                                                              Four types of interpreters

                                                              There are several types of community and medical
                                                              interpreters, for example:
                                                                 •  Staff interpreters
                                                                 •  Contract interpreters
                                                                    (self-employed freelancers)
                                                                 •  Bilingual staff members
                                                                    (often referred to as “dual role” interpreters)
                                                                 •  Volunteer interpreters

                      Staff interpreters

                  Most staff interpreters work fulltime. They usually earn a salary with benefits, such as vacation and
                  retirement plans. Most staff interpreters in healthcare work in hospitals or large community health
                  centers. Some can be found in health departments.

                      Contract interpreters (self-employed freelancers)

                  Contract interpreters (independent freelancers) accept contract work from organizations such
                  as language companies, hospitals or nonprofit language services. Legally, a contract interpreter
                  is a small business. Most freelance interpreters are paid by the hour (or by the minute, in the
                  case of many telephonic interpreters). They do not usually receive extra benefits. They might
                  or might not be reimbursed for expenses such as parking, tolls and mileage (Kelly, Stewart &
                  Hegde, 2010). 2

                  2   Most contract interpreters are not only medical interpreters. They also perform legal, educational, social services,
                    conference and/or other types of interpreting, and even translation.

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