Page 5 - The Medical Interprete
P. 5

Interpreting Profession1.1
                                                          The Medical

              LEARNING                             Overview

              OBJECTIVE 1.1                        This section introduces you to the profession of medical interpreting.
                                                   It is a young profession in rapid evolution. In many respects, the
              After completing this                United States is a world leader in this field. By the end of this section
              section, you will be able to:        you will have a clear understanding of medical interpreting as a
                                                   profession, including its history, evolution and current practice. You
                Define and discuss the             will also explore the different categories of medical interpreters.
                medical interpreting
                                                   Learning Content

                                                   Communicative autonomy

                                                     Controlling our own communication

                                                       What is communicative autonomy?

                      DEFINITION                   Medical interpreting is part of a larger profession called

              Communicative autonomy               community interpreting. Community interpreting facilitates
               Communicative autonomy
                                                   access to community services, including healthcare, education
              The capacity of each party in an     and human services, for patients and clients who do not speak
              encounter to be responsible for      the language of service.
              and in control of his or her own
              communication.                       The authors of this textbook propose that the primary purpose
                    Bancroft et al. (2015, p. viii)  of community interpreting, including medical interpreting, is to
                                                   support communicative autonomy. Let us take a moment to define
                                                   and clarify this concept.

                                                   Communicative autonomy simply means our capacity to be responsible
                                                   for and in control of our own communication. In other words, if
                                                   we have communicative autonomy, we understand what is going
                                                   on and what is said. As a result, we can make informed decisions.

                                                   For many people, communicative autonomy is possible only if
                                                   professional interpreters are present. In medical interpreting,
                                                   communicative autonomy is essential.

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