Page 7 - The Medical Interprete
P. 7

1. An Overview of Medical Interpreting

              What is community interpreting?

            Although community interpreting is often defined as “medical, educational and social services
            interpreting,” that definition ignores a key point. All these specializations exist to support access to
            community services. Therefore, this textbook offers the following definitions.

            Note: A friend, family member or casual bystander who is asked to interpret is a language assistant
            but should not be called an interpreter.

              Communicative autonomy           Community interpreting

             A specialization of interpreting that facilitates access to community services for individuals who do not
             speak the language of service.

                                                         * * *
                                                Community interpreter
             A bilingual or multilingual individual who is deemed professionally qualified to interpret in community
             service settings.

             Examples: A staff interpreter, freelance interpreter or bilingual staff member who has been trained to
             interpret and assessed for language proficiency and/or interpreting skills.

                                                                                Bancroft et al. (2015, p. viii)

                        DEFINITION                What is medical interpreting?

               Communicative autonomy
                    Medical interpreting
                                                  Medical interpreting is part of the larger profession of
               Interpreting for patients, their   community interpreting. In the box on the left, you will
               families and healthcare staff      find a definition for medical interpreting created by the
               in order to facilitate access to   authors for this textbook. Please note that two terms exist
                                                  for this profession: medical interpreting and healthcare
               Note: Medical interpreting is      interpreting. For practical purposes, they mean the same.
               a specialization of community      However, medical interpreting is the more commonly used
               interpreting.                      term.

              Is Medical Interpreting Part of Community Interpreting?
              Yes: according to international standards (ISO, 2014) medical interpreting is part of community inter-
              preting. It facilitates access to a community service. Yet many medical interpreters do not know they
              are community interpreters!

               Always keep in mind that medical interpreters are community interpreters according to accepted practice
              and international standards.

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