Page 10 - The Medical Interprete
P. 10
Where does medical interpreting take place?
Common healthcare settings where medical interpreters work include the following:
• Hospitals
• Health departments
• Community health centers
• Doctors’ offices
• Public and private outpatient clinics
• Specialty services (such as radiology and blood tests)
• Mental health services
• School health rooms
• Child advocacy centers (forensic exams for child abuse)
• Wellness programs
• Sexual assault and domestic violence centers
Every one of these settings has its own regulations, terminology and expectations.
The origins of modern medical interpreting
1980s to present –
Medical interpreting
formalizes as an
1960s and 1970s– area of specialization
• Court interpreting in community
legislation passes.
• Community interpreting interpreting.
1945–Nuremberg starts to formalize in
Trials led to birth of Australia, Sweden, United
modern interpreting States and Canada.
profession. • America Sign Language
is officially recognized.
Registry of Interpreters for
the Deaf (RID) is founded.
Figure 1-A: A Timeline for Medical Interpreting
The early history
Interpreting has probably existed since ancient times. Rich and poor alike were helped by interpreters.
Travelers and merchants needed interpreters–especially when they got sick! A fascinating example
occurred during the Spanish conquest of the Americas. Spain published government standards and
laws for interpreters who communicated with indigenous tribes–in 1548. The language sounds very
modern. For example: