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Healing Voices


                                   I leave these interviews really shook up and no way to deal with it,
                                 even if I am fine in the interview and interpret with empathic neutrality.
                                                                                      Interpreter for survivors

                 Who is a refugee?                                 he purpose of this introductory module is to
                                                              Tprovide a clear set of guidelines and basic
                 The definition of a refugee is someone who:   information for interpreters who work with
                 owing to well-founded fear of being perse-    survivors of torture, war, and refugee trauma in
                 cuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality,   mental health and other clinical settings.
                 membership of a particular social group or
                 political opinion, is outside the country of his   The majority of these survivors are refugees ,
                 nationality and is unable or, owing to such   asylum seekers (referred to as refugee claimants
                 fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the pro-  or persons in need of protection in Canada), and
                 tection of that country; or who, not having a   asylees (those granted asylum in the U.S.). The
                 nationality and being outside the country of
                 his former habitual residence, is unable or,   focus of this module will therefore be interpreting in
                 owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.   mental health settings for this population. However,
                                                               this information may be valuable for anyone
                                     —United Nations (UN)      interpreting for such survivors in almost any setting.
                                                               It is estimated that more than 500,000 survivors
                                                               of torture have fled their countries of origin and
                        are now living in the U.S. Similar numbers are likely present in Canada and other nations
                        around the world that welcome refugees, although exact figures are hard to come by.

                                                                       According to the United Nations High
                                                                       Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
                                                                       the UN Refugee Agency, we are living at
                                                                       a time of the greatest number of displaced
                                                                       persons in the history of the world. This
                                                                       is a planet “on the move.” But many do
                                                                       not choose to leave their homes. They are
                                                                       forced to move.

                                                                       The UNHCR estimates that, at the end
                                                                       of 2021, there were 84 million people
                                                                       forcibly displaced worldwide (an
                                                                       estimated 42 percent of those forced over
                                                                       borders were children), including 26.6

                        1   For the international definition of “refugee” and basic information about refugees in general, go to

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