Page 13 - Healing Voices_za sajt
P. 13
Section 1.1: Trauma, recovery and torture survivors
Activity 1.1 (a): Deep breathing and grounding – A safe space
During the Healing Voices program, a therapist trainer will lead the participants
through a deep breathing and grounding exercise and engage in a conversation
about creating a “safe space” for the training.
Instructions for classroom
1. Follow the instructions of your trainer.
2. Use these techniques as needed:
‣ During the training, and
‣ In your work
Instructions for self-study
1. If you are going through this manual on your own, you can use an online resource
for guided meditation, e.g.
tions or download one of the widely available free mediation apps, e.g. https://
2. Follow up with a journaling exercise and reflect on what a “Safe Space” for this
training might look like for you.
3. Think of strategies you can use if the content triggers a powerful emotional
response and list people you can reach out to and resources you can use to
support you.
Note: It is generally not recommended to hold your breath after inhaling as this can
bring on increased anxiety or panic in some. Rather, it is recommended to hold your
breath after exhaling (before inhaling) or to just exhale such that your exhalation is
longer than your inhalation.
Objective 1.1
After completing this objective, you will be able to:
Describe major concepts related to trauma, including torture and war