Page 10 - Astrologer’s Secrets_za sajt
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My best Tools and Techniques
Astrologer’s Secrets
These important stars and the groupings of all the stars are divided up in the heavens in
sections of 13 degrees and 20 minutes in Vedic astrology. The entire zodiac of 360 degrees
divided up in these segments equates to 27 divisions and these are what Vedic astrology
called the 27 nakshatras. Their rich meanings (nakshatras) are essentially derived from the
stars in their portions. The nakshatra Rohini which is in Taurus is called the “Red One” in
reference to the red star Aldebaran which is the red eye of the bull – Taurus.
We will touch on some of the meanings of the nakshatras in this analysis throughout this
book. The nakshatras are true Indian astrology as they are each also ruled by a planet. The
nakshatra’s planetary rulership is furthermore used in the predictive system used in Vedic
astrology called the Dashas. There are many dasha systems used inVedic astrology but the
one used most often by most Vedic astrologers is called Vimshottari dasha system, and this
will be referred to throughout this book as well.
With the basics explained, we are ready to explore my unique findings that I have discovered
in my many years of practice and experience.