Page 9 - Astrologer’s Secrets_za sajt
P. 9
Setting the Foundation: Houses, Ascendant, Four Aims in Life, Planets
Chapter 1
Rahu: Natural malefic:
Desire, worldly success, fame, power, prestige, inner turmoil, addictions, extremes, obsessive
behavior, foreigners, foreign lands, collective trends, alcohol, drugs, fear
Ketu: Natural malefic:
Loss, negation, lack of confidence, fantasies, death, indecision, spirituality, psychic ability,
fire, injury, accidents, wisdom, liberation, illusions, fear
Outer Planets
They affect and change the planet’s energy that they aspect, conjunct or opposition, they
infuse the personal planets with their intensity and meaning, but they do not rule signs or
houses. They mainly have a malefic influence but can bring some benefic qualities.
Uranus: Change, invention, great awakening, electric, rebellion, erratic behavior, sudden and
unexpected events, accidents, shock, lightening, earthquakes, computers, airplanes, astrology
Neptune: Illusion, deception, scandals, fog, confusion, denial, photography, films, movies,
drugs, alcohol, glamor, romance, spirituality, fantasies, devotion, cults, oil, gas, water, psy-
chic, sensitivity
Pluto: Explosiveness, power, control, manipulation, surrender, transformation, big money,
sex, big government, compulsions, underworld, birth and death, secrets, rebirth
Indian (Vedic) astrology is true to the stars! What I mean about this is, that the actual move-
ment of the stars in procession of the equinoxes keeps the fixed stars in the portions of the
zodiac that they are so relative to. Procession of the equinoxes is why the sidereal placements
(used in Vedic astrology) are the true placements astronomically of the planets and stars.
Tropical astrology used in Western astrology does not take this movement into account. This
is why the placements of the stars and planets are different for both systems. At this point
in time, the sidereal placements have moved 23–24 degrees backward in the zodiac from
the tropical placements used in Western tropical astrology. The stars are continually moving
one degree backwards in the zodiac every 72 years.
Tropical Western astrology is based on the Sun which creates the seasons that stay constant
year after year. Sideral (Vedic) astrology is based on the movement of the stars.
The meanings of the stars stay true as the fixed stars remain in the signs that the stars give
their powerful meanings, such as the fixed star Regulus, which is the heart of the Lion al-
ways gives the sign Leo its kingship, as well as the star Antares which is the heart of the
Scorpion will always remain in Scorpio. And Aldebaran the red star will always be the red
eye of the bull in Taurus. Western tropical astrology places these stars in other signs now,
which does not make sense.