Page 5 - Astrologer’s Secrets_za sajt
P. 5

Chapter 1

                                                Setting the Foundation:

                                    Houses, Ascendant, Four Aims in Life, Planets

               There are 30 degrees to each sign and with 12 signs in the entire zodiac it equals a total of 360
               degrees. In Vedic astrology we use whole sign houses, meaning an entire sign is in the house.
               Even though the ascendant rising degree is 29 degrees, the last degree of a sign the entire first
               house will be one whole sign. The house systems used in Western astrology calculated shorter
               and longer signs and the beginning of signs can be within the houses, therefore there are two
               signs in a house, sometimes three signs, called intercepted houses. This complication is elim-
               inated with equal whole sign houses. But there is a system called the Sripati system which
               uses the western calculation that has more than one sign in a house. This will be explained in
               a section in this book. Otherwise, all the charts will have a whole sign per house.

               The sign rising is the starting point in a chart. It is the sign that is rising on the eastern hori-
               zon at the time of birth. The rising sign called the ascendant in Vedic astrology is called the
               lagna. It is so important because it sets up what planets will rule each house. This is imper-
               ative because each planet according to the houses it rules will carry with it the meanings of
               the houses it rules, so it determines which planets cause difficulties or blessings according
               to the houses it rules.

               For example, Mars is very difficult for Virgo rising because it rules the 3  and the 8  house.
               The 3  house rules siblings, and the 8  house is the most difficult house in the chart. Based
               on this Mars can bring problems through siblings based solely on knowing the ascendant.
               The house Mars sits in will be problematic based on the houses it rules because it rules the
               8  and 3  houses. If the ascendant is Pisces, Venus rules the 3  and 8  houses therefore
               Venus even though it is a natural benefic will bring the same problems Mars does for Virgo
               ascendant because it rules houses 3 and 8. The house Venus sits in will bring problems to
               that house based on the houses Venus rules.
               The houses are the foundation of a chart. The houses rule all areas of life and a thorough
               understanding of what the houses rule is vitally important to be a good astrologer. The houses
               are called the bhavas in Vedic astrology which means “field of action”. In Vedic astrology
               there is a more extensive knowledge of the meanings with the houses. All these meanings
               must be memorized and understood to be able to make accurate predictions. Essentially
               you will begin to understand the meanings of life when the areas of life of each house are
               deeply understood.

               Understanding each house is a progression in life and rules areas that pertain to the four
               Aims in life. The numbers of the houses also relate to the element and sign that is associated

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10