Page 16 - 34_Chompy tha Shark_CS
P. 16

Slick the World-traveling Seal

                      lick the seal happily turned a somersault beneath the surface of the warm,
                 Stropical ocean. He smiled to himself as the warm sun hit his face. The
                 sun was so strong here; it reached all the way down to the ocean floor. Slick
                 couldn’t imagine living anywhere else besides the tropics.

                 Smiling, Slick swam to his home, which was on the warm rocks along a beau-
                 tiful white-sand beach. His family was already there, basking in the sunshine
                 with their eyes closed. Slick sighed contentedly.

                 Later  in  the  day,  he  would  dive  down  deep  and  visit  his  undersea  friends
                 Chompy the shark, Buzz the swordfish, Jilly the jellyfish, and Flashy the star-
                 fish. But, for now, a nap in the tropical heat sounded wonderful.

                 Just as Slick was getting settled on his favorite rock, his little sister Slippery
                 hurried over to him excitedly. “Slick!” she cried. “Mama and Papa got a mes-
                 sage today from our cousins in the Arctic! They want us to visit them this

                 Slick gasped. “Are we going?”

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