Page 11 - 34_Chompy tha Shark_CS
P. 11

“     ery good, dancers!” Madame Jellee cried. A dozen little jellyfish swished
               Varound her, waving their tentacles gracefully. “Now, I would like to an-
               nounce the cast of the Jellee Underwater Dance Academy’s upcoming produc-
               tion of Jelly Lake.”

               Jilly the jellyfish felt her heart pound faster. This was the moment they had
               all been waiting for. A week ago, Jilly and the others had auditioned for roles
               in the big dance show. Today, they would find out who had the starring role.

               Jilly waited patiently as Madame Jellee assigned roles to several of her class-
               mates. Finally, she reached the end of her list. “And lastly,” she declared, “the
               role of Jelette will be danced by Jilly.”

               Jilly couldn’t believe it; she was the star of the show! As soon as class had
               ended, Jilly swam home quickly to share her news with her best friends Buzz
               the swordfish, Flashy the starfish, Slick the seal, and Chompy the shark.

               They were all thrilled for her. “We’ll be right there in the front row to cheer you
               on!” declared Chompy.

               Jilly beamed. Chompy was the newest member of her friend group, and he fit
               in perfectly. “Thanks, you guys!”

               Every day for the next two weeks, Jilly practiced her dancing. She practiced
               at the Dance Academy, and at home. She practiced in front of her classmates
               and her friends, and she practiced all by herself.

               On the day of the show, Madame Jellee swished backstage to encourage Jil-
               ly. “You are a beautiful dancer, Jilly,” she said. “You have practiced so hard.
               Go out there this afternoon and dance with confidence. There’s nothing to be
               afraid of.”

               There’s nothing to be afraid of. Madame’s words echoed in Jilly’s head. She
               hadn’t felt the least bit nervous all this time—but suddenly, she was terrified!
               She couldn’t go out there and dance in front of that huge audience! What if
               she messed up? What if—?

               “I’m sorry!” Jilly blurted to Madame. “I can’t be Jelette!”

               Madame gasped. “Why not?”

               Jilly didn’t stay to answer. She swam into the audience and found her friends.
               “We’re going home now,” Jilly whimpered. “I’m too scared to be Jelette.”

               Jilly expected her friends to support her decision—but, to her surprise, they
               were upset!

               “I’m not leaving this theater until you dance up there on that stage!” declared

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