Page 14 - 34_Chompy tha Shark_CS
P. 14
Buzz knew that wasn’t true of his best friends Jilly the jellyfish, Flashy the
starfish, Slick the seal, and Chompy the shark. They loved and supported Buzz
no matter what.
Buzz smiled a little as he thought of Chompy. Chompy was his newest friend,
and Buzz had been the first of the group to meet him. He had been so excited
to make friends with a real, live shark. Chompy was the only shark Buzz had
ever met who didn’t ignore him or, even worse, try to eat him.
At first, it had been enough just to be friends with a shark—even though
Chompy was hardly terrifying. But now, Buzz wanted more. He wanted to be
a shark. Maybe Chompy could give him some pointers.
Buzz swam over to Chompy’s place later that morning.
“Hi, Buzz!” called Chompy. “What’s up?”
“Well, “Buzz began, “I was wondering if you could give me some advice?”
“I’d be glad to,” Chompy smiled. “What sort of advice do you need?”
Buzz blushed. “Um…” he stammered, suddenly embarrassed, “well, uh, do you
think you could tell me how to look and act more like a shark?”
Chompy’s eyes bugged out. “I know you like sharks, Buzz. But why…?”
“I want to be mighty and powerful!” Buzz cut in. “I want to intimidate other
sea creatures. It must be so dramatic and exciting.”
Chompy sighed. “Many sea creatures are afraid of swordfish,” he replied. “Isn’t
that enough? I don’t like having others be afraid of me.”
Buzz groaned. “You don’t get it, Chompy. Sharks are so special and unique.
They are so cool!”
“Well, I think swordfish are pretty cool, too,” Chompy argued. “Did you know
that they’re one of the ten fastest sea creatures in the world? Why would you
want to give up that kind of speed? Why would you want to give up being
Buzz thought about that for a moment. He imagined looking into his seashell
mirror and seeing a shark’s face staring back at him. As cool as that might
sound to him now…it wouldn’t be right. Because Buzz wasn’t meant to be a
shark. He was meant to be a swordfish. And he sure loved swimming fast!
Slowly, Buzz started to smile. “You’re right, Chompy!” he cried. “I guess I’m
happy being a swordfish, after all.”
“I’m glad,” beamed Chompy. “Now that that’s settled, I do have an idea for
you. You know how Flashy is throwing a costume party next week?”