Page 15 - What is Healthy_za sajt
P. 15
W hat are some other things we can do
to get and keep a healthy mind?
First, you have to be aware of what kind of thoughts
and feelings are bouncing around that mind of yours.
Are there angry thoughts or hurt feelings
bouncing around in your mind?
Knowing what’s going on in your mind
is called being mindful.
If stuff is going on in your mind that feels unhealthy,
and you are aware, or mindful of it,
how can you express or let out that yukky stuff?
Sometimes you can tell somebody you trust
about your hurt or angry feelings.
Or sometimes you might even have to cry,
either alone or with somebody you trust.
Sometimes people try to shut out
that unhealthy stuff in their mind,
but sometimes you just have to shout out loud,
“Hey, I am angry!”
or, “Hey, I feel hurt”!