Page 19 - What is Healthy_za sajt
P. 19

H      ow else can we keep our minds healthy?

                                Should we watch violent TV shows or movies,
                                or play violent video games?
                                Should we play with kids who want to hurt us?

                                If you know that a kid will do something
                                that will hurt you or get you angry,
                                do you have to play with that kid?

                                What if a kid says something hurtful

                                about your skin color, or about your religion,
                                or about your clothes, or your hair, or your weight,
                                or if you like girls or boys better?

                                Maybe somebody did mean things to that kid,
                                so now they are doing mean things to other kids.

                                Maybe they are not really mean kids.
                                Maybe they are just hurting inside their minds too.

                                Maybe you can take a breath or two,
                                before you say anything back to that kid

                                who said or did something mean to you.
                                Maybe you can even feel sorry for that kid.
                                Could you give that kid a smile?

                                If a kid says something to hurt you,
                                does your mind have to feel hurt?

                                Words are just words.
                                Why do we let words hurt us?
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