Page 7 - Wiggly the Worm
P. 7
A part of Snarky wanted very badly to tell his friends how he felt about Grand-
pa Snail. If they knew why Snarky was so grouchy all the time, they’d be sure
to cheer him up. But Snarky was afraid that if he talked about Grandpa at all,
he would start to cry. And he was much too embarrassed to cry in front of his
Snarky sighed again. He had just about reached his damp, muddy home,
when he ran into Wiggly Worm. Wiggly was wiggling his body from side to side
as he slid through the garden on his belly.
“Look at me!” Wiggly cried jubilantly. “I’m a one-worm line dance!”
Snarky felt his temper flare. “Keep it down, would you, Wiggly?” he hissed
back. “It’s nighttime, and some garden creatures might want to get some
Wiggly stopped short, looking as hurt as if someone had slapped him. Snarky
immediately felt sorry for lashing out like that. But it was too late; he’d al-
ready hurt Wiggly’s feelings.
“I’ll go home now, Snarky,” Wiggly mumbled.
“Wiggly, wait!” Snarky cried. But Wiggly didn’t wait. And Snarky didn’t blame
Snarky started to sob. “I’ve got to stop being such a grouch!” he said to him-
self. “If I keep this up, I’ll lose all my friends!” And it was then that Snarky
realized he had to explain.
The next day, he found Wiggly, Munchy, and Rattles in the flowerbed. They all
grew silent when they saw Snarky approach. Snarky figured they must have
been talking about his rudeness to Wiggly.
“Look, you guys,” Snarky began, “I owe you all an apology. Especially you,
Wiggly. I’m sorry I snapped at you last night.” Snarky’s whole body trembled
as he spoke; this was hard for him to say.
“There’s a reason I’m a grump,” Snarky went on, drawing a deep breath. “I’m
not saying it’s an excuse. But there is something that makes me very sad. You
see, I miss someone very much…”
And with that, Snarky told his friends all about Grandpa. Losing Grandpa had
changed Snarky’s life, and he cried as he explained this to his friends. But they
didn’t make fun of him. They hugged him tight and listened until he finished
“Oh, Snarky!” cried Munchy. “I’m so sorry.”
“I had no idea!” chimed Wiggly.
“Me, neither!” Rattles added.