Page 3 - Wiggly the Worm
P. 3
Wiggly Worm
and the Garden Town
iggly Worm lived in a backyard garden with his best friends, Snarky Snail,
WRattles Snake, and Munchy Mosquito.
As much as he loved wiggling around in the mud, Wiggly often wondered what
it would be like to live in a town. Wiggly and his friends knew all about towns
because they liked to listen to the kids who played in the backyard.
The kids were always talking about how they had done this or that, or gone
here or there, downtown. Wiggly knew that towns had parks and stores and
restaurants and bakeries and places to get sweet treats. That sounded won-
derful to him!
“All we have here is plants,” he said to his friends. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if
we had all kinds of special places to go, like the kids always talk about?”