Page 11 - Wiggly the Worm
P. 11

life, he slithered speedily through the yard until he reached the wading pool
               that the boy and his older sister had set up. Their two-year-old cousin Lucy
               had just tripped and fallen into the water! Now she was thrashing her arms
               and crying, “Help!”

               Quick as a wink, Rattles wrapped himself around one of Lucy’s legs and dragged
               her out of the pool. She sputtered and spit water, but she was safe!

               “Did you see that?” gasped Lucy’s mother, who had just reached the pool.
               “That rattlesnake saved my baby’s life!”

               “I did see that!” Her sister grinned at her. “Looks like we won’t be getting rid
               of him, after all.”

               And so Rattles the rattlesnake lived safely ever after!

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