Page 10 - Wiggly the Worm
P. 10

For as long as he could remember, Rattles and his friends had lived in peace.
               The garden was quiet and sunny, and the four friends played together every
               day. They had even built their own miniature Garden Town, complete with a
               restaurant that Rattles ran himself!

               One  afternoon,  Rattles  decided  to  lock  up  the  restaurant  and  take  a  short
               break before the dinner crowd showed up. He ventured to the edge of the
               garden and slithered around the flowerbed. He caught a whiff of the fragrant
               roses growing in the far corner, so he followed their scent. Rattles hardly ever
               ventured this close to the backyard, but he couldn’t help it.

               Maybe I could pick a few rosebuds to put on the tables in my restaurant, Rat-
               tles thought. He was just puzzling over how to do that, when he heard a small
               child scream, “Mom, Dad, there’s a rattlesnake in the garden!”

               The little boy’s parents, who owned the house and the backyard, came run-
               ning. Rattles dove for cover, but not soon enough.

               “I can’t believe it!” cried the boy’s father. “We’ve lived here five years, and I
               never knew there was a rattlesnake in the garden!”
               “He must’ve been hiding himself,” said the boy’s mother. “But we can’t have
               him here—especially with kids playing in the yard. We’ll need to get rid of

               Oh,  no! Rattles  thought. This  is  horrible.  The  humans had never seen him
               before, but he hadn’t realized how much of a problem it would be if they did.
               Terrified, he rushed off to find his friends.

               Wiggly,  Snarky,  and  Munchy  were  just  as  worried  as  Rattles  when  he  told
               them what had happened.

               “What did she mean, get rid of you?” Wiggly asked in a trembling voice.

               Rattles was shaking inside. “I don’t even want to think about it. You’ve gotta
               help me hide, you guys!”

               Several times over the next few days, one or the other of the little boy’s par-
               ents came into the garden to hunt for Rattles. But, scared as he was, he man-
               aged to stay well-hidden.

               “I guess we’ll need to call someone to get rid of him,” the boy’s mother said

               This could be very bad, Rattles thought to himself. He and his friends were just
               figuring out what to do when they heard a loud splash!

               “Oh, no!” shouted the boy’s mother. “Lucy’s in the backyard!” She and her sis-
               ter, who was Lucy’s mother, rushed out onto the back porch.

               But Rattles, who had also heard the splash, was even faster. Risking his very

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