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You can force them or persuade them. You Let me give you a quick example. Let’s be. Then I’d say, “Wouldn’t you rather
may have heard me say this before and if say I’m a restaurant owner trying to be catered to, relax, have an amazing
you have, this is worth hearing 100 times get someone in for a one-time dinner experience, and eat a meal that tastes 10
over. promotion at full price. First thing I do is times better than your own cooking?”
think of why people go out to dinner vs
As you know you can’t force people to do staying at home (when it’s not a special Then they start saying to themselves, this
business with you, but you can persuade occasion like a birthday or something alike.) sounds like a much better alternative!
them right? This type of message is going to persuade
Convenience and experience are the main someone to not sit at home and instead take
So that’s the secret to maximizing the ROI two, right? People get home from work the better option, wouldn’t it? This type of
on your marketing dollars. Your message will get you 3 times the
advertising must persuade your “....that’s the secret to results than just slapping your special
customer and that’s what bar and and price within your marketing.
restaurant owners are NOT being maximizing the ROI on your
taught or told in our industry. marketing dollars. Your This type of persuasive marketing,
advertising must persuade marketing that makes a sale, can
I have yet to hear that from any easily bring you tens of thousands
other expert. I have yet to read your customer and that’s of dollars in extra sales and
that on any major website in our what bar and restaurant attract double the amount of new
industry. There’s no denying that owners are NOT being taught customers you’re after.
that is the truth about profitable
advertising. If you’re asking or told in our industry..” This week I’m hosting a masterclass
someone to do business with you, that will walk you through how
there’s only 2 ways, and your only option is after a long day and the last thing they my clients are using persuasive marketing
to persuade. There’s no other alternative! want to do is prep their dinner for 30 messages and promotions that bring them
minutes, cook for 30 minutes, then clean $10,000 in sales or more, just from using
But now the question is “how do you use up for 30 minutes. e-mail and Facebook posts. If you want to
persuasion in your advertising that triples see the offers and the 3 step marketing plan
the response of your advertising dollars?” When I understand multiple ways why they are using to make this happen, join me.
There’s several ways, but I’m going to my target market would want what I have Click the masterclass link below and I hope
give you the one I use most. I use a little to offer, I know what I need to say in my you got some value from today’s video.
formula called “Problem, agitate, and solve.” advertising. I’d bring up
the problem of coming
This is where you bring up a problem that home after work and
they could be facing in their life and then spending all that time to WRITTEN BY: NICK FOSBERG
you agitate it and dig deeper into their prep, cook and clean and
emotions, racking up the pain, and then then I’d agitate it a bit President Bar & Restaurant
giving them a solution to their problem, more with how annoying Success
which that solution is you, your offer. and frustrating that can