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where you’re building buzz in the marketplace because now, these
customers are becoming your best brand ambassadors, and that’s
what builds a brand. So the whole thing comes full circle, and I call
that capturing lightning in a bottle. And it’s all in one program called
Sales Stars.
That sounds awesome, Roger. Where can people go to check that
out, get more information on it, and get that implemented into their
It’s as easy as going to my website at www.RestaurantRockstars.
Nick: com.
That’s awesome, great feedback. Why don’t we get into your sales
superstar system, and give us a little bit of insight on what that’s all Nick:
about and how that really benefits a restaurant or bar owner. Well, I appreciate it, Roger. I think that was a great interview. I learned
a lot. I’m sure everybody else on here who reads it is going to get a lot
Roger: of value from it. There are a lot of good pointers there. So I appreciate
It’s all encompassing and it’s all inclusive, and it’s an online system it, and if there’s anything else you want to add that maybe I missed
that’s available 24/7. And it’s turnkey, because we recognize that that maybe you think would be important to go through, let me know.
owners and managers are putting out the daily fires. It’s the business
of 1,000 details, and I’ve often noticed that training is the first thing Roger:
that gets neglected. So I’ve put 20 years of sales and hospitality I’d like to end this by encouraging your audience that I am available
training into a four-module program that they can watch and then to people via email. I love to answer questions in the restaurant
they can put their entire staff through. On top of that, the module and hospitality business. I’m so passionate about it, so I field email
four at the end is a bonus module of all the 20 to 25 proven questions with no obligation. If you’ve got a challenging business
training exercises for pre-shifts that have literally doubled sales and question affecting your restaurant or bar, you can email me at
wowed my customers. There’s teambuilding, there are contests, Or if you go to my website, there’s
and there are incentives. There are all sorts of things that reinforce a voice recorder function where you can leave me a voice message
the concepts learned in the first three modules that start with basic and I can reply via voice message. So those two options are always
hospitality, that start with the dream team building, and move into available. And there are lots of free release sources at that website. I
sales and service – that go together. The third module is really about do a weekly podcast called Rock Your Restaurant. It’s service advice
communication, teamwork, and elevating your hosts and your bus and financial tips that will help systemize and maximize your profits
staff to have choreographed service with your service team, which in restaurants. And we’ve got a number of programs besides Sales
means your hosts can make suggestions that lead to sales. Your bus Stars that really help systemize a business and help take it to the
staff should be making suggestions and acting as servers and wait next level.
staff in training.
So the whole program elevates the team to just put the guest’s best Awesome. Well, I appreciate it, Roger. Thank you.
foot forward. Think of it this way – I’ve always believed that the
restaurant business is show business. It’s all about entertainment, Roger:
and this system trains your front of house staff to be actors and Thank you very much, Nick. It was a pleasure. Thanks for inviting
actresses on stage delivering amazing, memorable experiences and me.
telling your guests everything that’s great about your restaurant that
they’re going to enjoy. And it’s really a soft sell approach because
again, it comes from education and information and entertainment, INTERVIEW WITH: ROGER BEAUDOIN
and it’s a lot of fun. And I call this lightning in a bottle because
pretty soon, the staff are having more fun and making more money, Founder of the Sales Stars Server
and the customers are spending more money and having more Training Program
fun. When that happens, your customers are coming back again
and again, and that’s where your repeat business comes in. That’s