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The Secret To Tripling Your Marketing

                        ROI & Attracting New Customers

         I’ve read a lot of books, magazines, and       The big secret lies between the                John E. Kennedy, one of the forefathers
         websites that are published in the bar and     differences in average marketing vs            of modern day advertising from the early
         restaurant industry, and there’s one secret    profitable marketing. If you look at most      1900s said it best. “Advertising isn’t about
         I have yet to discover that is being talked    bars and restaurants on social media, in       winning awards for design and style. It’s
         about, that is critical to being successful    the newspaper, in the mail, wherever,          about one thing and one thing only. That’s
         in this industry. Today, I’m going to reveal   it all looks and feels the same. You’ve        to make a sale!”
         that secret and how any bar or restaurant      got the logo, you’ve got a tasty looking
         owner can triple their ROI on their next       image of food and drinks, then you’ve          Would you agree with that? When you
         marketing campaign and how to effectively      got the special price, and all the business    spend money advertising, are you not
         get new customers in the door. I’m Nick        information.                                   trying to make a sale? This is true right?
         Fosberg your host, and you’re watching                                                        The truth is, you’re ASKING people to do
         Bar Restaurant Success, the place bar          Marketing like all your competitors is         business with you right?
         and restaurant owners go to get ahead in       going to get you average or poor results.
         business and in life.                          Today, you have to stand out from the          The most valuable lesson I’ve ever learned
                                                        competition. You have to grab attention.       when I became a marketing junkie and
         Over the past few months I’ve touched          And once you do this, the secret to            started learning the psychology of why
         on this, but I want to dive a bit deeper       maximizing the ROI on your marketing           people buy and how they make decisions,
         and leave you with a free resource that        dollars comes down to your message. Your       was that when you ASK someone to do
         will benefit your business, customers, and     message and offer is ultimately what gets      something, there’s only 2 ways to get them
         pocket book forever.                           that person to either walk in your doors or    to do what you want them to do.
                                                        ignore you.

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