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P. 20
Suggest: “And yet your motor cortex is able to compensate.” This is the part of
the brain involved in physical coordination. Would this really be beyond Data’s
p. 93 (middle)
Barclay: “I could modulate the ship’s phasers to ignite patches of false vacuum in
our wake...”
Suggest: “I could try to disable their deflector control sensors with a magneton
p. 93 (middle)
Computer Voice: “Outer hull collapse imminent, deck six...”
Suggest: “Structural integrity field collapse”; or, “Irreversible atmospheric
decompression, deck six...”
p. 96 (top)
Riker: “What’s inside that dark matter cloud...?”
Suggest: “What’s inside that interstellar dust flow...?”
p. 97 (middle)
LaForge: “They’re tagging people with isolinear transceivers to override the transport
Suggest: “They’re tagging people with isolinear beacons to cut through the transport
p. 97 (middle)
Picard: “Can you neutralize the power source?”
Suggest: “Can you remodulate the transport inhibitors to compensate?”
p. 101 (top)
Barclay: “If one of their charges hits the pocket of gas... “
Suggest: “If one of their charges hits a pocket of metreon gas...”
p. 101 (top)
Riker: “... use the deflector to sweep up all the pockets of metreon gas you can find...”
Suggest: “... use a pulsed deflector beam to compress all the pockets of metreon
gas you can find...” I wasn’t thinking in terms of using the deflectors to sweep up
the gas, but rather to push pockets of gas into a dense ‘critical mass’ concentration.