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P. 19
Suggest: “Bioscanners detected no pathogenic agents in the interstellar matter we
picked up with the Bussard Collectors...
* p. 28 (top)
Worf: “He might be using the planet itself to mask his ascent and then hiding in the
dark matter to disguise his...’
Suggest: “He might be using the planet’s ionosphere to mask his approach from
our sensors...” Dark matter is a generic term used by astronomers to describe the
so-called ‘missing mass’ of the Universe. We’ve known for some time that there is
much more matter in the Universe than can be accounted for by visible stars and
interstellar matter. The dark matter could be just about anything, from unknown
subatomic particles to rogue planets. Interstellar dust is dark in the sense that it tends
to absorb visible light; perhaps we could simply assert that the dark cloud formations
are composed of various kinds and concentrations of interstellar dust and gas.
p. 29 (top)
Picard: “Track the incoming fire to find his coordinates...”
Suggest: “Track the incoming fire and trianculate”; or “to trace his coordinates...”
p. 34 (middle)
Worf: “Coordinates locked?”
Suggest: “Acquiring target on visual sensors... Coordinates locked!”
p. 38 (top)
Sojef: “to be a problem with his positronic brain we were not able to repair...”
Suggest: “ be a phase variance in his synaptic potentials we were not able to stabilize...”
p. 38 (middle)
Anij: “... repairing positronic brains...”
Suggest: “... repairing positronic neurode arrays...”
p. 52 (top)
Crusher: “They all have slightly elevated hormone production...”
Suggest: “They all have slightly elevated levels of adreno cortico-trophics”; or, “levels
of hormone releasing factors”; or, “levels of endorphin production...” This would
apply to both sexes. Endocrinology is not a simple thing; there are lots of changes
in hormone production and absorption throughout life.
p. 78 (middle)
Data: “And yet your brain is able to compensate.”