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But, I guess that’s par for the course for all
you kids. You think you’re so smart. I’ll bet
those two who stole that Runabout tonight
are feeling really smart right now... did you
hear about that?
From what they say, whoever was flying
was a helluva pilot... probably not as good
as you are, Picard, but good enough to
avoid the tractor beam...
Picard and Duffy don’t look at each other... just try to appear natural... and obviously
come off unnatural...
But sooner or later, they’re gonna be
caught... and kicked out... Sad thing is
it won’t be because they borrowed a
ship... that’s been done before by cadets,
even one or two who became pretty fair
admirals. The reason these two are going
to be dismissed is because they didn’t face
the music... they were afraid to tell the
truth and accept the consequences... and I
don’t have to tell you that the first duty of
every Starfleet officer is to the truth.
Too bad. Who knows what kind of careers
they might have had.
He stops there and studies them for a long beat. Picard glances at Duffy... then back
to Boothby...
Can I borrow your comlink?