Page 14 - Ghost Cartel
P. 14
little money, they traveled by night on small boats from
island to island until they reached the island of Vava’u
in the Kingdom of Tonga. They eventually gained
employment at the fuel dock where we met today.
King inquired as to how long they had known one
another. They replied since they were children. They
had grown up together in the village of Kiambu and
had worked in its capital city of Nairobi. After saving
their employer’s life, on numerous occasions, he helped
them to escape to a life of freedom and love in the
South Pacific.
David was so impressed by their handsome features
that he just sat back in his chair in the dining room,
put his hands behind his head, and gazed at their
characterized Kenya faces. David said, “The Lords are
with us that King could find such a charming couple
at the fuel dock.”
Assir (captivating and fascinating personality*) and
Jaali (powerful*) were also taken aback by the stunning
beauty of the Tito V, the 250’ “ghost ship.” They were
now waiting to be served an elegant dinner prepared
by Chef Jeffrey in its main dining room.
King asked, “What type of security do you provide
for their employer? You do not appear to be very strong,
nor do you look masculine.”