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ETAN BORITZER is the bestselling children’s book author of the
What is? series, now published in 16 languages. Etan was first
published when he was 13 years old and wrote an essay about his
experience in his school classroom on the day that John F. Kennedy
was assassinated. The essay was published in a New York City
Public Schools anthology tribute to the slain president. Etan has
also written screenplays for movies and TV shows, science fiction,
art criticism, newspaper and magazine articles, plus numerous What
letters to the editor–some of which were actually published! When
he is not writing by the beach near his home in Marina del Rey,
California, Etan also helps other authors get published, and he
travels to elementary schools around the country to do author is
visits, read from his books and teach his popular Young Writers
Workshop. Etan is also a respected and longtime yoga teacher, and
a philanthropist. He believes, as Audrey Hepburn said when she Respect?
was UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, “Children are the only hope.”
SONAL GOYAL is based in Delhi, India and received her Masters
in Fine Art from College of Art, Delhi. She has worked for major
Indian publishing houses on various national and international
illustration and art projects. Sonal now works independently
from her own studio illustrating children’s books and working on
magazine projects with Indian and global clients. Sonal likes to
work in different styles and media, including animation.
Please be sure to check out our other books!
What is God?, What is Love?, What is Death?, What is Beautiful?, What is Right?, What is Peace?,
What is Money?, What is Funny?, What is Dreaming?, What is a Friend?, What is a Feeling?,
What is True?, What is a Family?
By Etan Boritzer Illustrated by Sonal Goyal